Our guest for the next Re-Scape Colloquium will be Niamh Dillon, staff member of the British Library. She will host a workshop on oral history.
14.00 Welcome by Marie-Thérèse van Thoor (TU-Delft)
14.05-16.00 Workshop 'Oral History' by Niahm Dillon. The workshop will begin with a brief introduction to oral history including its historical development, and will then focus on some of the opportunities and challenges of using it as a research methodology. We will explore how oral history is different from other historical methods and what it can offer researchers. We will then play some extracts to consider how these illustrate Orality - the voice, and narrative. The workshop will culminate with a discussion about ethics and the practical challenges of audio recording.
16.00 Drinks in central hall
Location: Faculty of Archaeology, Einsteinweg 2, 2333CC in Leiden, Van Steenisbuilding roomnumber F0.06
Entrance is for free, but please register through info@globalheritage.nl
The Centre for Global Heritage and Development, the Design & History research group at TU Delft, and the VU Amsterdam research institute CLUE+ organize the Re-Scape colloquia for young researchers and graduate students, to be inspired by experienced academics , learn from each other by sharing knowledge and progress on their own research. PhD students will present their work in public; graduate students will discuss their theses in interdisciplinary, thematic groups.
Research on spatial heritage is scattered over many academic disciplines, such as architecture, architectural history, archaeology, urban history, landscape studies and heritage studies. These topics are taught throughout the Randstad at a range of different universities with foci in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Technology. The Re-scape colloquia aim to bring together senior and junior scholars to establish common languages, theories, methodologies and practices and to create the foundation for novel research approaches.
The Re-Scape Colloquium are held alternatively in Delft, Rotterdam, Leiden and Amsterdam. The Colloquium on March 30th will be held at Leiden University.