Marie-Thérèse van Thoor is architectural historian. In 1991 she became University Lecturer in the history of modern architecture at Utrecht University. She wrote her PhD on the ‘Dutch identity’ in the Dutch pavilions on international exhibitions, Het gebouw van Nederland. Nederlandse paviljoens op de wereldtentoonstellingen 1910-1958 (1998). Since 1999 she also worked as an architectural historian in the Heritage Department of the city of Amsterdam (BMA). At BMA she worked as one of the main organizers and editors of The Future of the Historic Inner City of Amsterdam (international conference and publication) and as editor of Amsterdam Monumenten & Archeologie1-5.
Since September 2007 Marie-Thérèse van Thoor is Associate Professor and research coordinator at the section Heritage & Architecture, Department of Architectural Engineering + Technology of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology. She participated in the exhibition Rietveld’s Universe in Centraal Museum Utrecht 2010 (venue in MAXXI Rome 2011), and was one of the main editors of the publication Rietveld’s Universe. She is editor in chief of the peer reviewed Journal Bulletin KNOB (on architectural history, building history, heritage, restoration and transformation); she is one of the editors of Sanatorium Zonnestraal, the history and restoration of a modern monument (2010), and Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. Restoration and Transformation of a National Monument (2013). Since 2015 she is member of the Committee for Architectural Review and Monuments (Commissie voor Welstand en Monumenten) in Amsterdam.
The research project she is currently working on is titled Colour, Form and Space. Rietveld Schröder House challenging the Future, granted by The Getty Foundation (2015-2018).