On 14-16 June, the Centre for Digital Heritage Conference 2017 will take place at the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University, hosted by the Digital Archaeology Research Group and the Centre for Global Heritage and Development. The theme of the two day conference will be ‘Heritage under Threat’ and include keynote lectures on ‘Heritage in Conflict Areas’ (15 June) and ‘(Digital) Preservation of (Digital) Heritage’ (June 16) from, for example, Sada Mire (Leiden University), Erica Nocerino (Bruno Kessler Foundation - FBK Trento), Francesca Cigna (Italian Space Agency), Hella Hollander (DANS-KNAW) and Colleen Morgan (University of York). Secondly, during the first day of the CDH 2017 meeting, on 15 June, a LeidenGlobal photo exhibition centered around the theme 'Heritage on the Move' will be opened at the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University (until 3 July).
Do not miss the opportunity to learn about international research studies on the theme ‘Heritage under Threat’ during the CDH 2017 Conference, and register before 10 June via this link or contact for more information: cdh2017@arch.leidenuniv.nl (the registration fee for students and researchers is 40 Euro for both days and for LDE members of the Centre for Global Heritage and Development the fee is 0 Euro).