
The Centre for Global Heritage and Development stimulates and facilitates interdisciplinary and innovative heritage research. To this cause the CGHD also manages a fund that can be used as seed money for groups of researchers (PhD’s, postdocs, research staff) that have ideas for interdisciplinary research proposals. Also proposals to benefit (heritage) education or research will be considered. The seed money can, for example, be spend on travel, the organization of workshops or other events, guest invitations, translation and publication.

Criteria for applying:

Your proposal should apply to one of the themes of the Centre-‘Heritage under Threat’, ‘Heritage and Identity’ or ‘Heritage and Environment’. Please see Research themes for a description.

Your proposal needs to involve at least one (preferably more) of the three Universities of the LDE-Alliance: Leiden University, Delft Technical University or Erasmus University Rotterdam:

  • If your research proposal  involves two universities (Leiden, Delft and/or Erasmus) you are eligible for 5000 euro
  • If your research proposal involves all three universities (Leiden, Delft and Erasmus) you are eligible for 7000 euro

Describe your research proposal in one page and send it (together with a budget estimate) to Mara de Groot ( Your proposal will be judged by the CGHD advisory board consisting of different (heritage) professors from the LDE-Alliance. Within one month you will receive an answer.

If your research has been selected as a CGHD-project, CGHD can also play a part in organization and exposure of the project results. This will be discussed with you in further detail.

*Note that there is a maximum amount of 20.000 euro to spend each calendar year, so please contact CGHD in an early stage of your proposal.