

LeidenGlobal is a meeting place built for people interested in places around the world, and the dynamics between them, their histories, and their cultures. From the Pyramids to the Great Firewall, from language to warfare, from religion to finance, from politics to poetry, from earthquakes to elections.

Through LeidenGlobal, academic and cultural institutions connect with local communities, media, government, business, and NGOs. We want to raise the impact of scholarship across the board, from cultural events and public debate to government policy and education. We know about Africa, Asia & Oceania, Europe, Latin America & the Caribbean, the Middle East, North America, Russia & the Caucasus, and the Circumpolar Regions.

LeidenGlobal is a collaborative effort by academic and cultural institutions, in scholarship and outreach. Our partners consist of two leading Dutch museums and six international research and teaching institutes, among them Leiden University. Each of these institutes in their collections, research and educational programs have an expertise in specific areas of the world. The aim of LeidenGlobal is to strengthen the cooperation between the partner institutes and to develop a dynamic program of research in comparative area studies and to organise public events.