Prof. dr. Ana Pereira Roders (f) is full Professor of Heritage and Values at TUDelft. The Chair of Heritage and Values focuses on further understanding the values that define heritage, such as cultural, social, ecological, and economic; and how they impact the sustainability of cities. One of the main goals is to define, develop and test new integrated assessment frameworks to better monitor and strengthen heritage conservation worldwide. She is also currently member of the governing board of the International Centre on Space Technology for Natural and Cultural Heritage (HIST), Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. She graduated as an Architect at University Lusíada (Portugal) in 2002; and obtained a Ph.D. in Building Technology in 2007 at Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. Since 2016, she works as Associate Professor in Heritage and Sustainability at Eindhoven University of Technology. Ana has a wide range of work experience abroad and interdisciplinary cooperation, spanning the fields of architecture, urban planning, law, environmental management and computer sciences. She has also worked as Visiting Professor at VU Amsterdam, KU Leuven and ULiege (Belgium), Durham University (UK), and Universidade Lúrio (Mozambique).
Ana is the founding co-editor of the Journal Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, published by Emerald. She is member of varied editorial boards and has been acting as a reviewer for over 10 different journals, having published above 160 publications. Her most recent publications include: Going Beyond: Perceptions of Sustainability in Heritage Studies (part 2), and Reshaping Urban Conservation: The Historic Urban Landscape Approach in Action. She is leading a research team of about 30 people, including senior academics, junior academics and PhD students, of varied disciplines and nationalities. She was partner to the JPI – Cultural Heritage and Global Change, with the Heritage Values Network, as well as, the H2020 project “CLIC - Circular models Leveraging Investments in Cultural heritage adaptive reuse”. Today, she is partner to the ITN “HERILAND - Cultural Heritage and the Planning of European Landscapes”, supervising research on the use of remote sensing and social media to respectively, monitor the conservation of cultural heritage, and reveal how inclusive heritage management processes really are, over time and place.
She is a regular assessor of research proposals e.g. COST Action (European Commission), NWO (The Netherlands), FCT (Portugal), CINECA (Italy) FWO Flanders (Belgium) and results, as the latest Regiostars awards (European Commission), as senior jury member, under the category “Cultural Heritage”. 2018, and the NWO VENI 2018. She also presented in 2015 at TEDxHamburg “How cities become resource efficient”. Since 2008, Ana cooperates closely with UNESCO and the World Heritage Centre in particular. She led the creation of global online platforms such as Protected Urban Planet and the Global Observatory on the Historic Urban Landscape, in support of the UNESCO 1972 World Heritage Convention and the UNESCO 2011 Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape. She also manages the Linkedin group “World Heritage Sites and Sustainability” (+-3700 members), and the FB website “Historic Urban Landscapes” (+-2600 members).