Liselore Tissen is an external PhD-candidate at Leiden University (supervised by prof. dr. C.J.M. Zijlmans) as well as at Delft University of Technology (supervised by prof. dr. J. Dik and dr. W.S. Elkhuizen). She holds an MA in Arts & Culture and during this program specialized in conservation and restoration theory and ethics. Her main interests lie in technical art history – a branch within art history that focuses more on the material and scientific aspects of artworks - and the crossroads between modern technology and art. She is interested in exploring the possibilities technology has to offer for both art conservation and art presentation.
Consequently, her PhD-research focuses on the significance of the introduction of art reproduction using 3D printing for the art world and the applicability of this technology for technical art historical research, the conservation & presentation of paintings. From a humanities perspective she will analyze the importance of 3D printing in the art world. This study critically analyzes contemporary ethics in the art world to understand, on the one hand, the way 3D printing challenges the notions of authenticity and copy, and on the other, to grasp the significance of this innovative technology for the appreciation of original artworks. Drawing from the disciplines of (technical) art history, 3D technology and conservation studies, a theoretic framework for a profound study of 3D printing is established. Based on this framework, paintings of Dutch museum collections that are (entirely or partly) 3D printed function as case studies to show the impact and significance of 3D printing for contemporary art theory and practice. Subsequently, this research proposes ways in which 3D printing can attribute to maintaining both museums’ critical function and artworks’ social and material integrity.
Liselore's publications:
"Picture-Perfect – The Perception and Applicability of Facsimiles in Museums"
"3D Printing and the Art World: Current Developments and Future Perspectives"