Dr. ir. Nico Tillie holds a PhD in synergetic urban landscape planning from Delft University of Technology (TUDelft) in the Netherlands where he is a research fellow Urban Ecology and a professor in the section Landscape Architecture.
He leads the Urban Ecology group and the Urban Ecology & Ecocities graduation lab (UECL) between Landscape Architecture, Urbanism & Building Technology.
In recent years, he has lead the Harvest design studio dealing with a combination of issues ranging from energy transition, low carbon cities, climate change, reforestation, food production to biodiversity. He has two master degrees from Wageningen University, in Landscape Architecture as well as in plant breeding & plant taxonomy which he finished in the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew in England. He is a plant specialist and has extensive knowledge on plant schemes.
He has worked for over 10 years for the city of Rotterdam where he was among other things responsible for the Museum Park planting design, the Rotterdam energy approach planning 2009 (REAP), public space & urban green plan, the densification and greening strategy, several EU projects (MUSIC) and two entries of the International Architecture Biennale – people make the inner city 2012 and the urban metabolism vision 2014.
Till recently he was in the advisory board of the sustainable development site of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 with Solideo and he is currently in the scientific Board of NL Greenlabel. He is vice president of the World Council on City Data and Senior Fellow of the Global Cities Institute of the University of Toronto in Canada.
He has written numerous scientific publications, book chapters and is author of several books. In the past years, he has lectured in over 30 countries and advised, local and national governments, the World Bank, African Development Bank and UN bodies.