The project 'The forgotten Holanda village: 1858-2022. A digital twin to bridge the shared heritage between Brazil and the Netherlands - 3D reconstruction, city…
Holambra (1948) in de staat Sâo Paulo is de grootste Nederlandse kolonie in Brazilië en is vooral bekend vanwege de bloemenveiling en jaarlijkse expoflora…
From August 22-26 the Nias Lorentz Workshop 'Migrant (R)e Collections was held in Leiden. The main goal was to find a template how to improve access to…
On June 3rd the book 'Holambra, de Moeizame Beginjaren van een Stukje Nederland in Brazilië' ('Holambra, the Difficult Starting Years of a Piece of Netherlands…
' Heritage and Identity' is one of the three research themes of the Centre for Global Heritage and Development. This theme includes many topics like 'migrant…